Do you have a child who wishes to play the best (we are slightly biased!) board and strategy game or perhaps you would like your child to try the game at school? Perhaps you would like your child to be challenged by a game that encourages planning, strategy, calculation and logical thinking? Chess is a game that will provide these challenges.
More schools are discovering the benefits and values of chess but do not have the knowledge to set-up and manage a chess club or classes. This is where Chess for Schools come in! If your school is based in our catchment area then contact the Headteacher and mention us. Hopefully we can arrange to make contact and visit the school.
If your school has a chess club or classes then you are in luck! Ask at school reception and apply to join.
Maybe your child has some knowledge of chess and wishes to take it further? Some school chess clubs do not have experienced chess coaches to take the keener students further and higher. Our solution to this is to offer private tuition for your child. We would also recommend finding a local chess club and playing in tournaments with other children. Some clubs are specifically run for children and juniors.