More schools are discovering the benefits and values of thinking skill and chess but do not have the knowledge to set-up and manage a chess club or classes. Quite often a keen parent/volunteer will step forward and run the club but is not able to provide much more than the very basics as a teacher. This is where Chess for Schools come in!

Clubs are held either before the school day (typically 8-9am), during lunchtimes and after the school day (starting at around 3.20pm until 4.20pm). These are less formal than classes.
Classes are run during the school day and integrated as part of the curriculum. Classes are more formal but nonetheless fun and engaging for the pupils. We like to encourage linking within the school to subjects such as mathematics.

Schools are encouraged to enter teams and individuals in various competitions run by organisations such as

- Delancey Schools UK Chess Challenge (UKCC)
- English Primary Schools Chess Association (EPSCA)
- Berkshire Junior Chess Association (BJCA)
- National Primary Schools Chess Team Championship
- National Schools Chess Championships
- National Preparatory Schools Rapid Play Tournament